Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Puzzle Tech Demo From Pillow Castle

Check out the embedded video above to see a new tech demo from mini developer, Pillow Castle. Although not yet a full game, the tech demo shows off a puzzle mechanic using forced perspective to alter the size of objects. You pick up an object and depending on where you hold it in relation to your point of view, the object remains at that size when you place it down. For instance if you hold a statue while looking at the floor, it will be much smaller when you place it down as opposed to putting it down when your view is facing a wall hundreds of feet away. In this case, placing the statue down could result in it being hundreds of feet tall. 

It's really something you have to see in action so please check out the short demo above. It's hard to imagine how Pillow Castle could turn this one mechanic into a full game based around it, but I'm sure many were saying the same thing when the first tech demo for The Unfinished Swan popped up. A very cool idea no matter what...

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