Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Puzzle Tech Demo From Pillow Castle

Check out the embedded video above to see a new tech demo from mini developer, Pillow Castle. Although not yet a full game, the tech demo shows off a puzzle mechanic using forced perspective to alter the size of objects. You pick up an object and depending on where you hold it in relation to your point of view, the object remains at that size when you place it down. For instance if you hold a statue while looking at the floor, it will be much smaller when you place it down as opposed to putting it down when your view is facing a wall hundreds of feet away. In this case, placing the statue down could result in it being hundreds of feet tall. 

It's really something you have to see in action so please check out the short demo above. It's hard to imagine how Pillow Castle could turn this one mechanic into a full game based around it, but I'm sure many were saying the same thing when the first tech demo for The Unfinished Swan popped up. A very cool idea no matter what...

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Gone Home Review

A coming of age tale…

When finishing Gone Home, I immediately knew that it would be an incredibly difficult game to review. The reason for this being that I absolutely loved the game, but can’t tell you practically anything about it without ruining the experience. Because essentially that’s what Gone Home is; it’s an experience. That might just seem like a buzz word to some and it might even be a turn off to others, but for me, two to three hour experiences such as Gone Home and Journey are hitting the sweet spot for me lately. 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Resogun Review

"Beautiful Destruction..."

Resogun is the newest PlayStation exclusive digital title from developer House Marque. They have built a solid reputation with the PlayStation nation through stellar games such as Super Stardust HD and Dead Nation. Resogun draws much stronger similarities to Super Stardust; another old school arcade shooter that was reimagined for the current generation. Super Stardust HD is most comparable to the classic Asteroids on a spherical map while Resogun is more of a Defender clone on a cylindrical map.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Knack Review

A Charming, But Flawed Old School Action-Platformer...

Knack was the first PS4 title to be shown off back at the reveal event in February. I along with many did not think it was the best way to introduce the graphical power of Sony's next-generation offering. However, Mark Cerny's team at Sony Japan was behind the project so I definitely had hope in its potential. It was being advertised as a mascot action-platformer in the veins of a Crash Bandicoot. This is not surprising since Mark Cerny is one of the minds behind Crash Bandicoot along with other memorable titles such as Spyro the Dragon, Ratchet & Clank, and Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. For me, the game ultimately ended up feeling like a mix of God of War, Demon's Souls, and Sonic Adventure. Read on to find out if that is a good thing...

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Video Games Now Considered Art?

According to the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the answer is "Yes."

The debate raged on strongly this past generation in particular. Should video games be considered as art? Well known critics such as Roger Ebert felt strongly that they should not be, going so far as to say that they will NEVER be considered as art. But as a film critic, should his opinion hold any merit? Gamers around the world refuted his claims, attacking him as a senile fool or begging him to play Shadow of the Colossus for the millionth time. He did eventually come out and say that his claims should have never been made, being that he has never played video games and has no right to say that the medium will never be looked at as a form of art.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Real Sports With Bryant Gumbell Laughs Off eSports As Real Sports

In the video attached from Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, the activity of eSports is discussed. During a short segment on a recent eSports event, a statistic was revealed that blew the minds of the Real Sports panel; that twenty million people watched the event or even the fact that it existed in the first place. Of course this lead into the discussion of eSports being considered as a real sport.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Origin Story - Andrew

Hey all,

I'm Andrew and I've been playing video games since I was like three years old. When I was younger, it was always my dream to either become a game developer or a game journalist, but I ended up thinking it was too risky and went into engineering instead. But over the years, I still took shots at creating gaming websites and blogs and what not. Nothing stuck...but now with this PlayStation 4 broadcasting, a fire has been lit and that excitement is back.